Celebrities' Fortune
Rats are charming, elegant and clever. They can be a bit gossipy and prone to being distracted. They’re also thrifty and very good with handling money. Family and close friends are exceptionally important to them. The Rat is charming beyond words and throughout his undoubtedly long life he will always be popular and will have many friends.
Forecast for 2008 In their own year, Rats need to make future plans, remain persistent, vigilant and above all, enjoy a brightening of prospects all around. In their work situation, excellent opportunities should arrive with an accompanying rise in salary. If, however, the Rat feels stuck, bored and unable to progress, he needs to follow through his ideas in order to move onwards and upwards – action will be a keyword this year for all Rats – it’s no time to sit idly by, waiting for good things to happen. There will be celebrations, social events and travel to also look forward to in 2008. Also, hobbies or interests that may have been put to one side, should be looked at with fresh eyes as they could prove both beneficial and lucrative to the Rat this year. All in all, this will be an enjoyable and prosperous year for those Rats who pursue their dreams. May and August will be particularly auspicious times for making new and close friends and alliances.
Magnetic, passionate and grand! When the Tiger does anything, it’s noticed! Indecisiveness and stubbornness can mar the sparkle of the Tiger personality. On the one hand generous, on the other hand a little mean, it’s sometimes hard to know where one stands with the Tiger. Flexible, honest and truly entertaining, one has a friend for life with a Tiger.
Forecast for 2008 The final months of 2007 could prove frustrating to the Tiger if he has taken on too many projects or ideas. It’s important for him to tread carefully and purposefully at the start of the Year of the Rat in order to set a firm, strong foundation for the year. Otherwise, disappointment and frustration may follow. Many Tigers are extremely creative and imaginative and this is the year to use their talents. For those Tigers who are unfulfilled in their career, they may find it difficult to move. However, an unexpected and lucky opportunity will arise during the year for all Tigers – but beware – blink and you’ll miss it! The Tiger’s impulsiveness needs to rein in quite a bit during 2008 and if this is done, the year could prove highly enjoyable, lucky and satisfying. July to October will be the best time for new and exciting romantic opportunities.
The Pig is an innocent, sweet and lovable personality. They can also be quite melancholy and over-sensitive. The Pig loves the company of others, and adores parties, gossip and chit chat. They are highly intelligent, but prefer to keep this side of their nature under wraps. The Pig does not care that much for money, but is one of the zodiac signs that is very lucky.
Forecast for 2008 At the end of 2007, the end of his own Pig year, there will be much fun and happiness with increased social contact and romance. On the other hand, the Year of the Rat signifies a new cycle for the whole Zodiac, which the Pig may find highly unsettling – they are not partial to change. However, by taking a deep breath and going with the flow, 2008 can be a successful and interesting year for all Pigs. Much attention needs to be paid to legal matters, financial details and any paperwork – be vigilant and careful in all dealings to avoid upset. Also, the Pig needs to be extremely selective in who he confides in. A lot of personal soul searching and decisions will also be made this year, with support of family and friends proving valuable and helpful. May and August will be important months for career advancement.
Intelligent and highly intuitive are two of the Snake’s many fine qualities. He makes an amusing and romantic friend with a definite flirtatious streak. When challenged or criticised he can be a sore loser. The Snake is very lucky with money and is fond of the odd bet or two. He is quick-witted and enjoys reading, music and occasionally the paranormal side of life.
Forecast for 2008 The last couple of months of 2007 could have seen a real upswing in social activities for the Snake, leaving him feeling drained and just a little out of sorts. But all Snakes should take heart for the Year of the Rat will prove a very rewarding and creative year for them – provided they think things through and take note of all possible opportunities that come along. In 2008 the Snake should take extra care in financial matters. Although very prudent and careful with money normally, this year the Snake needs to be extra vigilant. Regarding their career, a degree of flexibility will need to be shown, if looking to advance their career or change direction. This will come to the notice of those in a position to help. Many happy times will happen at home this year for Snakes, with both family and friend providing much joy. July to November will be fantastic for socialising.
Cuddly, warm and affectionate are the attributes of the Rabbit. Mysterious and a great party-giver and host, the Rabbit enjoys being the centre of attention once in a while. The Rabbit is occasionally over cautious and can be a bit boring. He is also one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese Astrology chart.
Forecast for 2008 During the final couple of months of 2007, the Rabbit will need to keep a close eye on his finances in order to avoid hardship during the Year of the Rat. 2008 will prove to be a very social and fun year, with a highlight on romance and special get-togethers with friends. For the unattached Rabbit, this could well be the year to meet their soul mate. It will be important for Rabbits to be careful and avoid risk-taking during the Year of the Rat. Also, he needs to be aware that gossip and rumours may abound during the middle months of the year and that joining in with the whispers should be avoided – it could ultimately damage the Rabbit’s reputation. Home and hearth will be especially important this year – providing a safe and cozy sanctuary from a busy and eventful year. April and October will provide particular opportunities to travel and socialise.
How is your fortune for this year? (Chinese zodiac)
1 comment:
Sex and the C4
Sodomy is a useful word
recently said and heard,
in Malaysian homes and offices
it’s all about famous orifices.
What is going on, you wonder
when Bala steals the thunder,
finger pointing the magic word
to the delight of a horny herd
Organs united, names forgotten?
VIPs are really rotten
Saiful he knows and did not know
doubts about Aminah begin to grow
of whose loose lips he was afraid
but liked her other end instead;
of course he knew it wasn't right
but it felt so good and tight!
You could not hump like Greeks
the Hindenburg’s fat cheeks;
what her hubby found so succulent
was making Rosmah trucculent.
And so she thought, the time was due
for a nice Mongolian barbecue.
Enter the analyst, not so anal,
who found the girl too banal;
fearing supernatural harm
from her juicy feminine charm,
he hired Bala straightaway
to keep the honeytrap at bay
but private dicks were of no match
for Aminah's superlative snatch
and now that Najib had had his fill,
he would not share the till;
right after the submarine deal,
Aminah's fate he would seal.
Now Rosmah had one idea
on how to kenakan dia
"Let’s bomb the bombshell,
let's send her to hell."
Thus perished the hapless beauty
after translation and booty duty;
now Rosmah’s ass was happy
until one blogger got yappy;
this Hindenburg nearly caught fire
yet to sue she has no desire.
But Najib's part in this murder
will travel much further;
despite his media actions
and one or two retractions,
some questions will remain
a big part of his bane–
how did Altantuya really die?
and why did he have to lie?
Did he pay off Bala savvily,
or threaten to C4 his family?
What acts could be more despised?
With his money, we’re not surprised;
after all, he's such a bully beast,
to him and him alone, at least,
magic words that cannot apply–
are useful for making rivals die.
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