Marki: Oni, too bad lah! Why didn’t they work harder in school when they had a chance?
Oni: but… but… but… these are also your fellow-countryman mah! They also need to feed their families like everyone else.
Marki: Well, we really sympathised them. Our government will come-up with some super safety net for poor losers like these. Oops! I mean “poor fellows” like these. While waiting for the super safety net, these losers… I mean these people can either do charity for the country by running their cabs at a loss everyday or stop work for a while lah. They say one can survive 7 days without food one. But they must drink water. Drinking water is very important.
Oni: But Marki… therse people needs to work and make money everyday to bring food home to feed their families wor! Like dat how can?
Marki: They must be patient lah! Wait lah! Our government will help them one… Oh! I was telling you about water… water is very important you know? Do you know how many types of water are there?… There are… …. Kok kok KOK! Kok… Kok koK! KOK KOK,,,,,, KOK!!!!!
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