Here are some.(Source Chrysler Blog)-
Hey Crysler! You're not welcome. You took my hard earned tax dollars without congressional approval. This is not the time for a "thank you." This would be a good time for a refund...and an apology. http://rightklik.net
Posted Dec 27, 2008, 3:19 PM by RightKlik.net
Mr. Nardelli,It takes a man with a whole lotta chutzpah to thank a person for investing in a company when they had zero voice in the matter.My elected representatives decided 'no'. The executive branch decided 'yes' through means that might be legal but frankly smell like rotten fish.You may certainly get my money this way, but you will never see a dime of my money voluntarily spent on any of your products.Brian DunbarNeenah, Wisconsin
Posted Dec 27, 2008, 3:20 PM by bdunbar
Mr Nardelli, Fire your PR and advertising teams and execs immediately. We the People did not want to see any more ads and money wasted on ads, be it from Chrysler, et al, or from your own pocket. You should have put up a website thanking the people and just submitted it to various online news aggregators for free. Once again, I am pained to see you are demonstrating a lack of common sense and fiscal responsibility. We supported the bailout of the car companies, even in the face of the horrendously mismanaged and secretive bailout of banks, and you stlil throw money away in the name of your company. Time to wake up. Sincerely, Matt and the rest of the Internet.
Posted Dec 27, 2008, 3:20 PM by dezmd
I have to say this ad disappointed me. First of all, do you need to spend your precious dollars on expenisve newspaper space? Second of all, it's hard to say "America" is really responsible for granting the bridge loans. One survey said that 61% of Americans were against it. Congress was working against the will of the voters. Let me go through each of the three points: "Providing cars and trucks you want to buy, enjoy driving, and will want to buy again." Well, I wanted to buy a Stratus in 2004. I bought it and enjoy driving it. However, I would not buy a Chrysler again beacuse the new products are lower quality and less visually appealing than their predecessors. "Delivering products with the best quality and value in our Company's history." Based on what I've seen and heard, Chrysler vehicle quality is lower than it was a few years ago. "Improving fuel economy to support Americas energy security and environmental sustainability." Chrysler's current full-size and compact vehicles are LESS fuel efficient than they were in 2003. Chrysler built the cars of my dreams in the 1990s but the latest models are a real let down. Chrysler does not deserve aid until it can present compelling new-generation vehicles. Putting battery packs in the current models dosen't count.
Posted Dec 27, 2008, 3:20 PM by Mwhite
Your resignation and the resignations of senior executives who have mismanaged the business would have been much more appropriate.
Posted Dec 29, 2008, 8:03 PM by California Initiative
Dear Mr. Nardelli and the "over one million people who depend on Chrysler" - You've got some nerve to thank us for our forced "investment" when we didn't want it to happen in the first place. Isn't forced or coerced investment akin to robbery? Taking one's money against one's will? Hmmm . . . . The very thought that MY money is going to go to some union lackey's pockets just makes me queasy. You should've filed for bankruptcy just like any other business in your position would have to. And that would've given you the opportunity to unshackle yourselves from the ridiculous union contracts that you signed on to. You've got two major issues to fix: Unions and quality products. If you'd listen to your customers and NOT the media and marketing types, you'd fix your product issues. And the unions . . . sheesh, get out of that racket! Notice the plants in the South where unions aren't that prominent don't have the same issues as the ones up North? Let's see what happens when MY business tanks. Will YOU throw cash at me? I don't think so. So, in conclusion - to hell with you and your company. Any business that would go begging to the government for a handout has no shame, and deserves to fail. File for Bankruptcy, or crumble!
Posted Dec 29, 2008, 8:03 PM by Richard S.
Mr. Home Depot has now shown that he can take extravagance to another extreme high. Why in the world are you thanking people that didn't want this. You need to spend the money you spent on this ad to bailout one of your line workers whose house is about to go into default. Pay it forward Nardelli we don't need to your hypocrisy!
Posted Dec 29, 2008, 8:03 PM by loco4obx
I'm speechless. And I'm saddened that a corporate management team is so inept at understanding public opinion. Some advice: issue a press release stating that you regret that you made a mistake using taxpayers' money in this manner.
Posted Dec 29, 2008, 8:03 PM by beachwriter
Bob Nardelli - thanking Americans for stealing their money is NOT something to boast about on your website. The American public DID speak when we choose to NOT buy your cars. Why not spend the money by showing us something compelling that people would "want" to buy. I have NEVER hear anyone excited about "buying a chrysler." You have no brand strength and this current "Thank You" ad will further your branding problems.
Posted Dec 30, 2008, 11:44 AM by Alvin P. Sams
My response to being forced to bail Chrysler out was to immediately purchase a FORD Focus and I will NEVER buy any car that Chrysler has anything to do with. This ad you ran "thanking" us was an example of you wasting OUR money.
Posted Dec 30, 2008, 11:44 AM by redwood tree
Dear Chrysler, I'd like to thank you. You have now completely converted me to a 100% foreign car owner from this point forward. I was, emphasis on was, a proud owner of a 2006 Dodge Ram Quad-Cab 4X4 with a Hemi. As you are well aware it is among the more expensive models of vehicles you sell. After seeing the parent comapny of Dodge falter and beg for money from the US Tax payers, I am no longer proud to own this vehicle. In fact, I will finish paying off my loan and proceed to my nearest Mini Dealership or Nissan Dealership and buy my next car there when it comes time. Why? Not because I don't like the truck. I do not approve of the money that was given to you by our President. I do not approve of the slap in the face I felt when I read your ad. Why did you need to take a bail out? Poor management. This ad just goes to show that you and your company has not learned anything, and like the rest of the US I am upset. This opportunity was squandered, by you and your incompetance. For the sake of my tax dollars I hope you succeed with a restructure like the late 70s early 80s when you received your first bail-out. However, with the poor decisions of this ad I forsee a bad investment on the horizon by the US Government.
Posted Dec 30, 2008, 11:44 AM by Jasen Hicks
Obviously nothing has changed. Chrysler is still making stupid decisions by wasting its stolen taxpayer money on useless ads. I will never, ever even consider buying a Chrysler. Chrysler makes nothing but JUNK, and has rightfully earned its poor reputation. Mr. Nardelli, do yourself and Chrysler a favor and resign.
Posted Dec 30, 2008, 11:44 AM by BuyJapanese
Thank You? Kiss mine you looters. I had ZERO choice in the matter. The money was taken from me by FORCE of GOVERNMENT and given to you. Ads like this reaffirm my decesion to buy a Honda last year. Bottom line Chrysler- I WILL NEVER BUY FROM A COMPANY THAT POINTS A GUN TO MY HEAD AND THEN SAYS THANKS. This ad infuraties me. Rot in hell scumbags.
Posted Dec 30, 2008, 8:03 PM by Lede Agenda
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